Wednesday, September 30, 2020

walk to Pitchcroft then Gheluvelt Park

As we were walking the pupils showed an interest in having running races to see who was the fastest. The pupils enjoyed using the walkie talkies to communicate to one another as they played the game tracker. The pupils worked together to identify the places to where they were hiding, such as up a tree, behind the bushes. The pupils then took part in a listening game to act out different adverbs and adjectives by dancing on the spot ridiciously and jump musically.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

walk to Gheluvelt Park with Primary 1

The pupils enjoyed taking bread to feed the ducks. As we were walking around the park, the pupils showed an interest in walking along the stream throwing sticks and leaves in to see which could go the fastest and talking about what animals could be living in there. One pupil said there could be fishes. The pupils after enjoyed climbing through the forest trees to find logs to reach to the other side of the stream.

walk to The Slip

The pupils showed an interest in seeing various animals, such as horses, sheep, chickens, in the fields. One pupil enjoyed jumping and running through the puddles. One of the pupils saw a big puddle and said the puddle looked like the shape of a dinosaur's foot. Another pupil said it was from big foot. As we were walking the pupils noticed an helicopter in the sky and waved as it flew by. We talked about where the helicopter had come from and where it was going. While we were walking along the river the pupils saw a boat sailing and enjoyed waving to the people who waved back. The pupils showed an interest in throwing sticks and stones into the river to see which would float or sink. As we got to the park the pupils talked about the different colours on the ducks and which were male and female. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

walk at The Old Hills

The pupils showed an interest in searching and finding various geocaching objects describing the different places to where they found them. As we were walking through the fields the pupils enjoyed rolling down the hills having races between each other. The pupils found a tree hut where they played a game of hide and seek. The pupils showed an interest in sitting and looking at the views from the top of the hills talking about what they could see.

Friday, September 25, 2020

walk around Uffmoor Wood

The pupils enjoyed finding 7 out of 12 geocaching items in high or low places or inside stumps. As we were walking around we talked about what animals lived in the trees or ferns. The pupils showed an interest in jumping over the streams and climbing in the trees. In the forest areas of the wood we noticed stick huts where the pupils enjoyed sitting underneath them. As we were finding one of the geocaching objects the pupils noticed a bit tunnel where one of them said it's like a World War 1 camp. They described it as being made out of sandbags.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

walk at Hartlebury Common with Year 9

The pupils enjoyed the adventure of walking through the forest areas to reach the destinations of each geocaching spots. The pupils also showed an interest in climbing trees to the top and walking along the branches. They collected different sized acorns to bring back to School. The pupils did races to the top of a bank and back down to see who could get there the fastest.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

walk to Cripple Gate Park

As we walked over pitchcroft towards Cripple gate Park, the pupils talked about how the horses race around the field and if they had been or seen horse racing before. We continued to walk over sabrina brdige as the pupils asked where the river comes from. One of the pupil's said that it comes from the ocean in big waves. We then talked about what animals could be living in the river and how fast it travels. When we were walking back to school, the pupils noticed diggers and men working next to sabrina bridge and described the sizes of each equipment they saw used, and what construction was being done on the bridge. One of the pupils said they were building a new bridge because the old one was broken.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

walk to pitchcroft following a leaf treasure hunt

Following up on the pupils art lesson of drawing leaves, we walked to pitchcroft following diagrams of different shape and named leaves. The pupils showed an interest in finding the various leaves which were placed on the ground and high up in the trees and marking with a pencil the ones they had found. Whilst we were walking, we talked about where the leaves came from, what term we were in and why the leaves change colour. We then talked about how old each of the trees were and how you would be able to tell. The pupils said that there are circles in the tree stumps and guessed that the tree was 200 hundred years old.

went to the park with Primary 1

This afternoon we went to the park to do bark rubbing where the pupil used the coloured crayons to create patterns from tree stumps and different sized leaves. As we were walking, we saw a squirrel run up a tree and talked about what the squirrel was doing and what they like to eat. We walked along the stream finding sticks and leaves describing the sizes of small and big and saying what shape the leaves were. The pupil showed interest in watching the sticks and leaves float along the stream and participated in various races. We then walked around the park looking at the ducks. We played tag and the pupil enjoyed swinging back and forth on the swing.

Monday, September 21, 2020

walk with Primary 3

This afternoon we went for a walk to The Slip back to School, alongside the river. As we were walking we saw horses in a field and enjoyed petting them. We then found an edge to the river and threw sticks in to see how far they would float. One of the pupils found a reading book stuck in a tree and hide the book in another place for other children to find it. We then saw a boat sailing along the river and waved to the people who were on it who waved back. We ended up at the park and played tracker.

walk with year 10

We took the dog for a walk along the River Severn. Pupil showed interest in geochaching and talking about the wlidlife.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Fishing in year 11

 Lewis , Brad and Jack fishing this week at a local fishing pool. Catching some amazingly large carp. They just kept catching. A very enjoyable day had by all.