Thursday, December 17, 2020

walk around Bewdley Centre with Year 9

The pupils walked along Bewdley river looking and talking about the sights they could see such as "look there are swans they sound like penguins" and "the river looks really high, I couldn't swim that, it is too deep". The pupils then went to the museum where one of the pupils enjoyed talking about all of the equipment and machinery that were used many, many years ago and what they were used for like "this is a water engine that used to process hot water and deliver the supplies to people". The pupil also enjoyed exploring the variety of resources to make their own arch and puzzle that looked just like the water engine. The pupils then enjoyed going for a walk around Bewdley centre as we talked about how the buildings look different to now a days and what sweet shops used to look like and how the sweets are so different and after had the chance to taste the different flavoured and shape sweets.    

DT with Year 7B

The pupils chose to either make a axe, bow and arrow or spear. 
  • The pupils enjoyed using the natural resources of sticks or logs and a variety of tools such as saws, knives, chopping machines, sand paper and vises to create one of the objects. 
  • The pupils worked together to crave out different shapes and helped one another by giving their own advice like "if you point the knife down and move it back and forth, it will be easier". 
  • At the end of the lesson we asked all of the pupils if they had enjoyed and if they would like to DT when we come back after Christmas and they replied with reactions of "yes" or nods of their heads.

collecting sticks at Worcester Woods

The pupils went to Worcester Woods to collect a bag full of sticks and logs and explored the variety of woodland areas by using the resources around them to pretend to chop the trees down. The pupils described the different sizes of the sticks as "look at this long stick I found". They then talked about how some of the logs they had found were big or small with one pupil saying "look it is taller than me". The pupils after showed an interest in playing a couple games of tracker. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

walking around Leasowes Park with Primary 1

 The pupils enjoyed walking around Leasowes Park as they played games of hide and seek and took different ways of exploring the different sights such as moving through long grass and going up and down banks along the river. The pupils showed an interest in walking through or along the various streams saying "look I am in the water". The pupils also enjoyed having running races and talking about what views they could see "look there is a dog splashing in the water" and "there is a big house". The pupils then showed an interest in playing on the swings and moving across the climbing frame.

finishing off reindeer's with Primary 2

The pupils showed an interest at finishing off their reindeer's at RSS. The pupils gathered around the table in the DT room listening well to all the safety instructions of how to handle and use the tools. The pupils was told that they were going to be making stands out of wood to put their reindeer's onto. The pupils used the sandpaper and little blocks by demonstrating the movements of back and forth, or using the vises to hold their wooden boards to smooth out the rough edges and surface. 

One of the pupils started their reindeer from scratch as they enjoyed using the tools of a drill to make four holes for the legs, and "I need one for the neck" and cutters to cut the sticks down into little pieces After a teacher wrote their names and each pupil took it in turns to use a craft knife to have a go at copying the letters.

Friday, December 11, 2020

walk around Bewdley Museum and around the town centre with Year 10

The pupils showed an interest in looking at and taking part in a variety of old century memorabilia which included talking about what groceries they used to shop for and how it is so different to this year's time. The pupils enjoyed listening as the teacher explained to them about various equipment's that people used to use to create thread and how, and what machinery, steam would have been transported. The pupils enjoyed using different resources like a magnifying glass to see rocks and sands that people used to use to build houses and buildings. One of the pupils showed an interest in building shapes with the bricks saying "look I have built a arch". Another pupil put all of the pieces of a jig saw together to create the steam engine. As we were walking we saw a old telephone machine and talked about how people would put a ticket in a slot and that would record what time they had arrived at work. 

After the pupils walked along Bewdley town center's river looking at the swans and pretending to talk to them by making similar sounds. Two of the pupils noticed a bench and went and sat on it together looking at the view of the river.

Then we went to the sweet shop as the pupils shared between each other and the teachers by talking about what flavours they could taste and what shapes they were for example; oval, little drops and "this looks like a fish and this one is a dolphin". The pupils also described the colours of the sweet as "blue, green, red and white". We had some fish and chips and sat along the river interacting with the seagulls and pigeons giving them names such as "that is Bob because he bobs his head" as they started to move their head back and forward in the same motion. 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Year 8 DT work

The pupils enjoyed using the various tools in the DT room at RSS as they worked in groups and pairs to make a variety of everyday equipment's such as one pupil held one end of the wood and another used the saw to cut the pieces they needed.  The pupils said they were making "a gaming chair". One of the pupils showed an interest in the knitting machine as they moved the needle with support and thread in the different motions of up and down whilst along the edges of the quilted stream. They said they were "making a pillow"

After some time of the lesson the pupils showed an interest in going outside as they took a mountain bike and wooden car they had been made out of natural resources. The pupils worked together well while one took the lead role of thinking of ways to tie the rope around the mountain and attach it to the wooden car. The pupil said "what we need to do with the rope is tie it to the back of the bike and then the person on the car can hold the other end". The pupils took it in turns to have a go on the bike and the wooden car.  

Year 9 rope swing

The pupils showed an interest in using a rope and log to make their own rope swing. The pupils helped one another to encourage each other to have a go. The pupils took it in turns to swing back and forth, and circle motions and also to see who could go the highest. One of the pupils enjoyed the rope swing that they said "I am going to come here with my Dad and brother but I don't think my brother will go on". 

Each of the teachers had a go as one pupil supported by demonstrating how to get yourself onto the swing. They said "first you put one leg on and then the other, you push yourself back as far as you can go and then you just go and swing". While we were walking back to the minibus the same pupil said that it was "their favourite Outdoor Ed lesson". The pupils comments for the lesson was positive as they all said they had enjoyed going on the rope swing and discussed about how far they had gone "I am going high in the sky" and "look at me I am a flying man".

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

building a rope swing with Year 7B


The pupils worked together to help one another sit onto the log and push themselves back and forward. The pupils listened well as the teacher explained all of the safety rules for swinging on the rope such as making sure they wear a helmet before taking part on the rope swing. Each pupil had a go at seeing who could go the highest and furtherest with one pupil saying "I went really high that I nearly touched that tall branch" as they pointed to one of the high tree branches. Some of the pupils enjoyed climbing to the top of the cliff steps. Each of the pupils took on a role of who was going to throw the rope, tie the knots with support and find a log for their peers to sit on. One of the pupils said "I am going to be the instructor". 

DT work with Year 7A

  • The pupils showed an interest in using the tools and natural resources to make a stall and chair. The pupils worked together well in two pairs to cut the wood for the legs as they used saws and power machines and then used the sand paper to smooth the edges of the wood. 
  • The pupils enjoyed using the tools with support or independently to attach the wooden legs and seat for their stall and chair together as one of the pupils said "you need to point the saw down as you cut". The pupil explained that they had done it before saying "I made bird houses while I was at Wood Camp".
  • The pupils said they would need "four legs" as it would "help the stall to stand up". As they were building one of the pairs made two of the legs. One of the pupil's took the role of telling their peer what they needed to do next "we need to smooth the seat and cut two more legs". 

rope swing at Habberley Alley with Primary 1

The pupils showed an interest in making a swing out of rope. The pupils listened well as the teacher explained all of the safety rules such as wearing a helmet each time you go on the swing. The pupils enjoyed watching the teacher throw the rope onto one of the large tree branches. The teacher then tied two knots into the rope, one to make it safe and another for the pupils feet as they demonstrated which knot to place their feet between and which one to hold on too with both hands. The pupils took it in turns to have a go at swinging on the rope and had competitions to see who could go the highest. One of the pupils said "could we use a stick for a seat" which they went to find around Habberley Alley's forest area. The pupils described the log as "big" and watched as the teacher tied it to the bottom of the rope. The pupils then enjoyed jumping onto the log with support as they sat and rocked back and forth.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

making reindeer's with Primary 2

 Primary 2 outdoor education reindeers:

Pupils comments on each step they took to create their Christmas reindeer's

·        Step one – We went along the river to find sticks for the legs and the body of the reindeer's.(LS)

·        Step two – we came to school and sawed up the pieces of wood for the body and legs.(HD)

·        Step three- We glued the legs into the body with a hot glue gun (DH)

·        Step four – we painted our reindeer's a colour we choice, I choose gold (DH)

·        Step five – We used pinecones and sticks to make the head and antlers. We used a hot glue gun to glue them on to the rest (ZH)

·        Step six – we are painting gently on the pinecone heads. We got to choose our colours. I picked gold (LS)

·        Step seven – we used the hot glue guns with Miss White to glue on the head to the neck. (ZH) 

The pupils showed an interest in continuing to make their own reindeer's from last weeks Outdoor Education lesson. The pupils painted their reindeer's body different colours with one pupil saying "making mine metallic gold" when another said I am going to paint mine brown with a blue spot for the saddle which will go on Santa's sleigh". The pupils then glued a pinecone for the head and sticks for legs and neck with support of the teacher. The pupils took it in turns to use the cutters to make two antlers for the reindeer's ears. After the pupils painted the heads and antlers.
As we got to school we discussed each step and I asked which one they liked the most. All of the pupils said that they enjoyed making their reindeer's and that "painting the body and head" was their favourite.

Monday, December 7, 2020

rope swing with Primary 3

The pupils listened well as the teacher explained all of the safety rules when building a swing out of rope. The pupils enjoyed watching as the teacher threw the rope and tied it to one of the large tree branches. The teacher then tied two knots into the rope to make it secure and another for the pupils feet to be placed as they worked together to help each other swing back and forth. The pupils enjoyed seeing how high they could get themselves and had a competition to see who could get the furthest.  One of the pupils said "wow I am going so high, I am like Tarzan", when another said "did you see I was close to the sky". After the pupils showed an interest in running races. 

year 10 Habberley Alley

The pupils showed an interest in the natural resource of a rope to create their own swing. Each pupil took it in turns to throw the rope over a large tree branch as they used the motion of a lasso while saying "yippee ki yay". As they got the rope tied to the tree branch the teacher went through all of the safety rules as the pupils listened well and then tied two knots in the rope to keep it secure and another for the pupils to place their left or right foot in to help push themselves back and forward into the air. The pupils worked together in support of one another having a go and seeing how far and high they could go. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

DIY making with Year 8

As we got to RSS the pupils showed an interest in using a variety of tools to create their own sculptures. Each pupil took it turns to use the drill, saw, spray paint for decorations and a hot glue gun. The pupils discussed what they were making such as "can I make a chair and table to go in my bedroom", one pupil talked about being into cars as the description to their sculpture was "I am making a car surping wheel belt" and another said "I am going to create a make up station" after they had collected different equipment's of brushes, powder tubes and a mirror. 

walking around Habberley Valley and making a parachute with Year 9

The pupils showed an interest in putting up the parachute by swinging a rope and attaching it to a tree. The pupils each took a string to the parachute and with support tied the strings around a variety of branches to hold the parachute up. The pupils worked together to find the right size and length branches that could hold the string as one pupil said "these small branches won't hold the string but big ones will". 

After we finished building the parachute the pupils showed an interest in walking around Habberley Valley looking and talking about what views they could see. While we were walking we saw some stairs leading to the top of the bank and followed the path up. As we walked back one of the pupils found a tyre and wanted to see how fast and far it would travel down the stairs. The pupil said "did you see that it is quick" encouraging their peers to join in. Near to the minibus the pupils saw a small cliff, climbed to the top of it and pushed the tyre down watching it bounce. Another pupil talked about how they pushed the type saying "I pushed it with the whole of my body and all of my strength".