Friday, January 29, 2021

designing a money box with 7A and Year 9

 The pupils showed an interest in researching or thinking of their own ideas for how they would design their money box. The pupils worked together in pairs or independently as they talked about what shape it was going to be such as a square or rectangle and then made a list of what tools or equipment they would need to construct the body as one pupil wrote down; "a saw, drill and sandpaper", as well as the technical components for example; how many slots their money box would have for the different coins, the size of the coins and how the coins were going to travel like "on a slop'" or "I want to make a hole at the top to put my coins in"

The pupil explained what the tools would be used for "a saw to cut the wood into four pieces and then three long pieces to go next to each other in the centre, sandpaper to smooth the sides, a drill to make the holes for each money slot".

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Primary 3 constructing a money box

The pupils gathered together to listen to all instructions as the teacher explained what they were going to be making and what materials such as wood, and tools they were going to use for example, a planer and sand paper. The pupils said we would need "four sides" for the money box. The pupils showed an interest in planing and sand papering one side of the wooden box and talked about their past experiences of working with wood and what tools they used. One pupil said "me and my Grandad have done this before when he was making a table for my room". The pupils took it in turns to use each of the different tools. The pupils after worked in a group as they watched the demonstration of how they were going to join the four pieces of wood and what equipment we needed to measure the length of each money slot, for example; a ruler. One of the pupils identified the number "10" with support. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

constructing a wooden table with Year 11

The pupils helped one another and the staff to carry the wooden table top and body structure from one room to the DT room. The pupils showed an interest in using different tools such as a drill to join the table top and legs together. While they were using the tools the staff member held the wooden legs in place as one pupil drilled various sized nails, either big or small, into the four holes to help keep it secure. 

continued junk modelling project with Year 7A

The pupils showed an interest in finishing off their robot's by using different materials, real life equipment's like headphones, laptop keyboards and electrical system circuits. The pupils enjoyed sharing the variety of tools and resources such as taking it in turns to use the hot glue gun to stick the materials onto their robot's as they described where they wanted the headphones or electrical system circuits to be placed for example "there in the middle" and "I want this to be glued on both sides of the robot's head ". 

The pupils showed interest in sharing their thoughts on joining the electrical system circuit pieces together to try and get the technology to work. The pupils also enjoyed using the pliers to cut the electrical pieces into different sizes of either small or long. At the end of the lesson the staff acknowledged the pupils feedback to if they enjoyed making their robot's. One pupil said "I liked giving my robot the fan so it can cool them down when they get hot". Another pupil said "I liked gluing my robot's arms and legs together for them to walk".

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

DT project with Year 8

The pupils showed an interest in making a variety of materialized objects such as using wood to construct a hammer, spear, axe. One of the pupil's, with staff support, used different materials of shredded cardboard, cardboard boxes, plastic tubes, fabric lids to make their own robot with the body features of a head, arms and legs and "I will cut a square out for the robot's face". The pupil also used the resources for "this can be his hat" and "we could use this thread for his jumper hoodie". The pupils worked together in groups as they provided each other with advice on how to smooth or demolish the outer shape of their object for example; one pupil said "I would get a wooden block and put the sandpaper over so then you will be able to move it around the wood quicker".

Year 7B's project to make spears, axe, bow and arrow


The pupils showed an interest in continuing with their group project of constructing their own spear, axe or bow and arrow. The pupils enjoyed using various tools such as sand paper to smooth the edges of their spear or axe, pliers, Stanley knives and saws to cut off the debris from their stick or log, as well as taking it in turns to access an electric planer which they moved in a variety of motions of back and forth or around in a circle to create and form the outer shape of their bow and arrow or "Gandalf's staff". After they had finished, one of the pupils was given the choice of what colour paint they would like to decorate their axe or spear as they identified "I am using a reddy gold".

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Primary 3's junk modelling of robot's

The pupils showed an interest in making a robot out of different materials of cardboard boxes, toilet tubes, plastic tubes and plastic bottles. The pupils also enjoyed starting to decorate their robot's using electrical circuit wires as one pupil said "this is going to be the voice box" and another said "I want this wire to connect with that wire that could go into the head". 

The pupils worked together as they discussed step by step about what parts of their robot they were going to make next and where on their robot they would like the head, arms, legs and electrical circuit power units, for example; "in the middle" and "one arm at the top and the other down a little bit more" . The pupils shared each of the various tools such as; scissors, hot glue gun and drill to stick and drill the different materials together to create the shape of their robot. 

Monday, January 11, 2021

junk modelling robot's with Primary 2

  • The pupils enjoyed drawing and making their own robot's using various materials and resources of paper, pen's, cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, and different tools such as scissors, Stanley knives and hot glue gun. 
  • The pupils showed an interest in searching for what resources they would need to make the robot's body, head, arms and legs. The pupils shared all of the materials and equipment between each other and listened well to all safety instructions and guidance.
  • One of the pupils said they wanted "10 fingers for my robot". They collected 4 and after discussion of how many more they would need to make 10 from 4, the pupil picked up 6 more straws. 
  • The pupils then took it in turns to glue their resources of the head, arms and legs together in either the middle, side, top or bottom areas. 

making robots with Junk modelling materials with Primary 1

The pupils showed an interest in using a variety of materials such as cardboard, different sized cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, egg containers etc, and tools like Stanley knives, scissors and hot glue gun to junk model their own robot. One of the pupil's said "I am going to make a dinosaur robot with four legs and little arms". Another pupil said "I am going to make the biggest robot in the world". The pupils worked individually on their robots and worked in a group by sharing all of the different tools and helping one another to find what resources they would need to create the body features of head, body, arms and legs.


Friday, January 8, 2021

basketball with Year 11

The pupils enjoyed playing a couple of games of one to one basketball matches. The pupils took on the challenge of seeing how many baskets they could achieve and who could get the most. The pupils then showed an interest in participating in a bleep test where they needed to listen to the beep and then run 5 metres back and forth as they progressed to different levels. One of the pupil's got to level 8.   

Thursday, January 7, 2021

junk modelling with Year 7A and 9

The pupils listened to all instructions given as the teacher explained what the safety rules are when handling tools and resources of paper, scissors, Stanley knife, drill and a hot glue gun. 

The pupils showed an interest in using the variety of equipment to make their own robot. 

The pupils helped one another by giving advice of how to hold the tools in the safe direction of pointing the Stanley knife blade down and at an angle and how and why they need to position their bodies in a particular stance. 
The pupils enjoyed using the different tools to cut, stick and decorate various resources of card, tubes, plastic bottles and cardboard boxes to create the body, head, legs, arms and facial features to their robot's.  The pupils also enjoyed exploring with real life resources of a phone, headset and Xbox controller as one pupil said "the headphones can help my robot to listen to music" and another said "can i put the Xbox controller on so mine can be a gaming robot".

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

making a chair with Primary 1

The pupils showed an interest in making their own Primary 1 chair out of natural resources such as wood and using the different tools of a drill, saw and pliers. The pupils talked about what equipment they would need to use to make their chair for example; sand paper, nails, hammer etc, as one pupil took on the job to write the resources down on the whiteboard. The pupils worked together in a group to help one another hold the pieces of wood as another had a go at cutting the wood into "four legs". As we were counting how many screws they would need, the pupils picked up two screws and said they would need "two more" to make four. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

DT with Primary 2- making a table

 The pupils went over to RSS to work in a group to make their own table out of natural resources of wood. Before we started to make the table the pupils gathered around the DT workplace and talked about what equipment they would need to use and what safety rules they should follow and the reasons why. The pupils named all of the equipment like screw driver, nails etc and what clothing to wear such as goggles "to protect your eyes from the sand dust" and a apron "so the dust does not go on my clothes".

The pupils enjoyed exploring a variety of tools for example; a drill, saw and pliers. The pupils showed an interest taking it in turns to have a go with each tool with support or independently. The pupils told the staff that for their table "we need four legs" and identified how many nails we would need to screw into the wood. One of the pupils had found two nails and after further discussion another pupil said they need "two nails" more to make up four.