The pupils listened to all instructions given as the teacher explained what the safety rules are when handling tools and resources of paper, scissors, Stanley knife, drill and a hot glue gun.
The pupils showed an interest in using the variety of equipment to make their own robot.
The pupils helped one another by giving advice of how to hold the tools in the safe direction of pointing the Stanley knife blade down and at an angle and how and why they need to position their bodies in a particular stance. The pupils enjoyed using the different tools to cut, stick and decorate various resources of card, tubes, plastic bottles and cardboard boxes to create the body, head, legs, arms and facial features to their robot's. The pupils also enjoyed exploring with real life resources of a phone, headset and Xbox controller as one pupil said "the headphones can help my robot to listen to music" and another said "can i put the Xbox controller on so mine can be a gaming robot".
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