Friday, February 26, 2021

7A using tools to construct the body of their money box

The pupils showed an interest in working together in pairs or independently to cut around or along the lines for the shape of their money boxes using a variety of tools such as saws, a bandsaw, sand paper and a planer. The pupils watched as the teacher demonstrated how to use the tools safely for example; pointing the saw down to the floor, pushing the wood slowly when using the bandsaw because if you move it fast the piece of wood will start to bounce and the line will be jaggered as well as understanding that moving the planer in a back and forward motion will straighten the outer line. One pupil explained the reason for why we use sand paper "it is to help with smoothing the edges of the wood". 

The pupils also enjoyed peer on peer mentoring where one pupil supported their peers by noticing at what stages they were beginning to struggle and lending a helping hand to start the process of completing the structure of their money boxes  as they demonstrated the use of a saw to cut their wood into smaller pieces following the lines of their chosen shape.

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