Thursday, July 1, 2021

walk around Hartlebury Common with Year 8

The pupils enjoyed exploring the sand as they began to draw pictures using their hands and feet. Half of the group showed an interest in going on an adventure trek of climbing to the top of the hill with one pupil saying "look at the view from up here, the trees look really small". The pupils also enjoyed walking along the forest areas as they found a big tree and climbed to the top. The pupils in pairs ran to the bottom of the hill and then back up to see who could run the quickest. On our way back we began to trek through tall grass hedges and tree branches to achieve the end goal of reaching the bottom. The pupils worked together to travel in a variety of movements such as using their arms to move the hedges to the side, lifting their legs up high to step over or communicating between their peers and staff to work out what their thoughts were towards the safe solution to get themselves through. One pupil suggested "why don't you get on your tummy and use your hands and feet to shuffle your body".

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