Wednesday, April 28, 2021

continuing to build a robot with Year 7A

The pupils showed an interest in continuing to build the robot they had started to make in their last DT lesson of Outdoor Ed. The pupils enjoyed using the variety of tools of a saw, planer, sand paper and scrapper. The pupils described what each of the tools are used for with one pupil saying "do you think the sand paper had made the edges and sides smooth" and another explained the use of the saw is "to cut this big piece of wood into two little pieces for the robot's feet". A couple of the pupils enjoyed using the planer to smooth out the bumps that were in the planks of wood and took it in turns as the pupils discussed between each other "do you want to have a go and I will go after?". As the pupils were moving the planer round in a circular motion which was advised from peer on peer teaching from one of the pupils who had used the tool in previous lessons,  they talked about the temperature of how the wood felt after they had used the planer with one pupil saying "wow that is really hot, come and feel it".

The pupils together discussed what resources they  would like to use for the robot's head and body in the next DT lesson as they found plastic materials and game controllers with one pupil suggesting "why don't we drill this game controller to the robot's hands so it looks like it is gaming". 

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