Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Primary 2 making sand volcano's

The pupils showed an interest in exploring Hartlebury Common as they talked about walking through the sand and seeing the view from the top of the hill. As we halfway walking the teacher gave the pupils the choice of travelling to the top or playing a game. The pupils chose to interact with the game as the teacher went through the rules of how to play. The teacher explained the game was like Simon says where the pupils would need to move to different areas on the Simon says command. The pupils enjoyed running to the areas as the teacher said Simon says go to zero or Simon says go to post. The pupils also enjoyed moving their bodies in a various of motions such as placing their bodies on the sand or changing directions quickly depending on the time each command was spoken.  

After all of the pupils took part in a sand sculpting challenge where they had the choice of working in pairs or individually to make the tallest volcano they could using the sand. All of the pupils talked about how they were going to make their's different to their peers with one pupil saying "look the inside of my volcano is the widest". Another pupil explained the size of their volcano as "mine is the tallest". The paired up pupils decided who was going to take on what role "I am going to scoop up the sand with my hands so we have wet sand for our volcano's eruption and their peer is going to make the body". The pupils also talked about how they had made two volcano's "this one has a road around it, I used my feet to make a circle".

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