Tuesday, March 9, 2021

rope swing at Habberley Valley with Primary 3

As we got to Habberley Valley the pupils enjoyed finding sticks and logs which they described them as "I need a walking stick to help me up the hill". Whilst we were walking the pupils talked about how high they were going to go when they got to the rope swing with one pupil saying "I want to go as high as the sky" as another pupil explained what movements they would need to make to go high "you need to move your feet back and forward as you swing". When we got to the bank of the hill the pupils watched on as the teacher threw the rope to attach it to the tallest branch of the tree with one pupil and staff member supporting the teacher as they found a big and long log which the teacher balanced on to help one end of the rope reaching the branch. The other pupils watched on saying "you need to throw the rope higher" and talking about how many times they thought it would take the teacher to achieve the task with a couple of the pupils saying "i think he can do it in 2 go's" when another shouted from the top of the hill "6".

After the success of attaching the rope to the tree branch the pupils sat down together in a group as they showed enjoyment in drinking a cup of hot chocolate with a sprinkle of marshmallows on top while they talked about what they had been up to while they weren't at school and how they felt about being back with one saying "seeing my friends". The pupils then found small sticks and leaves and played a game of noughts and crosses. 

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