Thursday, March 25, 2021

Year 9 using their navigation skills to explore Paper Mill's stream.

The pupils showed an interest in walking through the stream as they talked about what height they thought the stream would be when we got to the spot with the pupils saying "it isn't going to be deep, it wasn't last time we came i remember it went up to my waist". As the pupils walked along the path and through the mud and grass they identified what they could see saying "why are those people putting tree branches into a pile" as I explained it was for them to later on burn and turn into ash. 

As we got to the stream the pupils enjoyed travelling through the water in a variety of ways such as "I am not going to dive into the water it is too deep" or one pupil lifted their legs up high saying "this helps me to not get my feet stuck at the bottom of the water". The pupils also used the body of the trees to support their weight as they helped one another to move from one side of the stream to the other. 

As we were walking back to the minibus the pupils talked about the temperature of the water saying "it was soooo cold, feel my hands they are freezing" when another explained "I just dived into the water that my whole head went in and now my clothes are so wet". I asked the pupils their feedback on if they enjoyed the water as a majority of the group replied with positive reflections saying "I liked seeing how far the stream went because I could see a tall waterfall at the end" when another said "I enjoyed using the tree branches to help move along the water that when I got half way I decided to turn back"

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