Monday, June 28, 2021

DoE expedition Bronze award with Year 9 and 10

Year 9 and 10 took part in the DoE Bronze award independent expedition where they participated in a two day canoeing adventure from Bridgnorth to Bewdley on Thursday and then Bewdley to Stourport on Friday. 

On the first day the pupils were introduced to the instructor who was going to be guiding them along the river as they sat in their pairs in their canoe's while the instructor explained how long they were going to be canoeing and what techniques they would need to use to operate the movement of the canoe by encouraging the pupils to work as a team. Next the pupils and staff members carried their canoe's to the end of the shore. 

As they got to the shore the pupils and staff members began to set off by using their paddles to push themselves from the shore. The pupils communicated between each other by allocating who was going to move their paddle on the left or the right as they started to float along the river. 

On their journey the pupils and staff members explored the adventures of travelling under bridges and through rapids of different speeds. 

Throughout the canoeing journey the pupils and staff members had regular breaks where they enjoyed eating their lunch and going for a swim as they practiced using the techniques of freestyle and backstroke.

After the first stint of canoeing the next part of the expedition was to camp over in a field while they worked in their pairs to set up tents and sleeping bags as that was what they were going to be sleeping in for the one night. Next the pupils took on the role of cooking their own burgers and sausages on two gas stoves. 

The next day the pupils and staff members cooked breakfast of a bacon and egg sandwich, dismantled their tents and sleeping bags, and then set back off for the last part of the canoeing journey to Stourport. 

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