Monday, June 14, 2021

walking around Dry Mill Lane with Primary 3

The pupils showed an interest in walking around Dry Mill Lane talking about the sights they could see. One of the pupils saw an arch way and asked "do train's still run along here". We discussed how it use to be a train station for the trains to travel down when stopping at various destinations and how alongside would be an operated shuttle port. We compared then to now as the path is for people to walk along. We then saw a bench which had a picture of the train station on it and what it was called. As we got halfway the teacher went through the safety of rules of following the teacher's lead, no running or no pushing or shoving their peers as we were going to be walking along a path which had a drop next to it. The teacher also explained that at the end of the path was a stream. When we got to the bottom the pupils saw an old looking building as the teacher said it was a mill. The pupils showed an interest in looking inside where they saw "that is a big wheel they would do their washing with that". The pupils also noticed a sign which explained in more detail about the mill which showed when the building was made, what the purpose of the mill was for and who would of used it. 

After the pupils had explored the mill we continued to walk along a more bumpy path which lead to the stream. As we got there the pupils enjoyed walking over the pebbles and through the water where they picked up stones and had a competition to see who could make the most plops in the water by skimming their stone. One of the pupils shouted "look I made two" when another counted the plops saying "I just counted four". While the pupils and staff members were exploring the stream one of the pupils shared with their peers what they had found "look I just saw a fish, everyone come round and have a look". One of their peers asked "what colour was it?". The pupils replied by identifying "it was really small so I couldn't recognise the colour but I saw it there underneath the stones". After searching for the fish the pupils continued to explore the water by travelling further along as one pupil sat upon a big tree stump that was placed in the middle and said "I am king of the ocean island"

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